Providing value fast is a game-changer!

peter abraham
2 min readJan 20, 2023
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

But for Change Agents — Digital Transformation Managers, CIOs, HR Transformation Managers, etc it can be daunting to know where to start…

You have to …

  • understand where the power lies
  • figure out the bits that are broken
  • manage new tasks thrown at you every day
  • know the supplier/partner relationships
  • get to know or build a team
  • figure out your strategy

So how do you provide value in the first 90 days?

Use the F word.

No not that one, tho you will for sure… I mean ‘Focus’.

Focus on what’s in front of you that you can change rapidly.

It’s more about what you decide not to do that gives you the room to do the things that provide early change results, which show value.

You can do that simply by identifying things that are broken today, prioritising the quick wins and making a separate list of those that form part of your remit for transformation.

Don’t wait for that 6-month assessment of the business before you get stuck in.

As Nike says Just Do It ✔️

Once you provide value you’re more likely to get more of the things that can help you grow faster… budget, resource, projects, attention …because you’ve provided results already.

I use a multitude of frameworks, models and checklists.

Q. Do you have a framework or toolkit you use to get started and provide value in the first 3 months?



peter abraham

Digital | Marketing | Transformation | CoFounder and Advisor | 📚 CoAuthor of Building the Agile Business AND 📚 Your Number’s up!